An excellent know-how
An historic know-how
In tune with the times, Lener Cordier has always been able to meet the needs of fashion thanks to its culture and convictions: rigour, technical know-how and creativity.
At Lener Cordier, the attachment to the product is as strong as customer satisfaction. The link between these objectives is a skilful balance between industrialisation and respect for the artisanal gesture, the guarantee of a know-how that does not sacrifice in any way the requirement of quality, the company's key word !
The creativity of our businesses
Shaping a coat at Lener Cordier means implementing with high standards and the competence of all the participants in the manufacturing chain "from design to sales.
"Long months of work, reflection and various adjustments have made it possible to create the models of which we are proud and which represent our commitment and respect for the company's own know-how.
We choose our fabrics, then our design teams design the models. Then, the first prototypes are made by our seamstresses in Hazebrouck, at the company's historic headquarters. These prototypes are then tried, tested, improved, enriched by careful and refined finishes. Between the time our stylists design the models and the time they are marketed, 6 months are needed to achieve the quality and excellence that are Lener Cordier's key words. Our work is our greatest pride!
Lener Cordier at the service of brands
The Group's European Production label at the service of brands
At Lener Cordier, our style and sourcing teams claim their force in creative and technical proposals. We submit capsule collections to our customers, and produce specific prototypes to study and ensure their production. The professionalism and responsiveness recognized in the profession makes Lener white label the essential industrial partner of many ready-to-wear brands. Lener Cordier has been able to adapt while respecting the historical requirement of quality and "good to be worn".
To maintain this high standard, our industrial logistics team controls the entire value chain: purchasing, administrative records, production, quality control, storage, delivery, customs clearance. We are able to provide a level of service that goes from the creation, to the production of collections and this up to the logistical aspects...
The European co-contracting centre: from design to production for brands
Our teams support the brands' style design teams in sourcing and/or producing their collections. In this context, we support the teams by relying on their personal style files, we rework the sketches and patterns and prepare the models with a view to industrialization. Our industrial and logistics team then takes over to manage the production of the collections according to the conditions set together, and we also support the brands in their sourcing process: Since the beginning of its history, Lener Cordier has forged trustworthy links with its suppliers of best materials and in particular its Italian suppliers, some of whom have been working with the company for over 50 years. This relationship of trust and the volumes processed allow Lener Cordier to negotiate on behalf of its customers proposals for quality materials that are well positioned in terms of price.
Our clients
Some ready-to-wear brands for Women, men and children that trust us.
Processus de création étape par étape
Label Qualité
à mettre en avant sur vos vêtements
Votre vêtement est conçu et produit dans nos ateliers en France & en Europe de l’Est selon le savoir-faire et les valeurs de notre maison. Les matières sont sélectionnées avec soin chez nos fournisseurs européens pour leur style et leur qualité. Le respect des exigences chimiques REACH vous garantie l’absence de substances nocives pour l’homme et l’environnement. Le client final étant de plus en plus sensible à ce discours, nous vous proposons d’intégrer une étiquette mentionnant ce label qualité.