Legal notices

  • is the property of Lener Cordier SA, Société Anonyme with Management Board and Supervisory Board with capital of 154,800.00 euros, head office 39 rue de Merville – 59190 Hazebrouck – France.

  • Registered in the Dunkirk Trade and Companies Register under the number 308 199 140 and management number 58B40044.

  • The gender equality index for the year 2023 cannot be calculated (number of valid groups less than 40% of the workforce). 6 women among the 10 employees having received the highest salaries. The overall result is 60 out of 60 points. (10/04/2024)

  • The Director of the publication is Frédéric Lener as Managing Director.

  • The hosting of the Site is provided by the company SQUARESPACE, head office : Le Pole House, 1rst Floor, Ship Street Great Dublin 8, Ireland.